Enabling HR Directors to increase their Confidence, Credibility and Impact
Who’s it for?
This programme is for you if you are:
- In the first two years of your first HRD role
- In a different and unfamiliar organisation having recently left an established HRD role
- An ambitious HR professional aspiring to be an HRD within the next two years
- An experienced HR Director or senior interim who wants to increase your self-confidence, influence and overall profile
Why attend?
The Influence & Impactprogramme has been specifically designed to give you the tools to:
- Increase influence & commercial credibility with your CEO and senior leadership peers
- Build unshakeable confidence in the validity of your voice, value, and mission
- Achieve your objectives within the People and Talent agenda
- Make your job more enjoyable and fulfilling
What is the focus?
The programme has been specifically designed to give HRD’s the tools to:
- Increase influence & commercial credibility with your CEO and senior leadership peers
- Build unshakeable confidence in the validity of your voice, value, and mission
- Achieve your objectives within the People and Talent agenda
- Make your job more enjoyable and fulfilling
For further information and next programme dates and costs, please contact: